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By thebickster - 06/03/2009 17:58 - United States

Today, I was boarding my flight when I got pulled aside for looking suspicious. As she was opening my bag, I said, "Be careful, I jammed so many clothes in there it may explode." I was then strip searched for my trouble. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 573
You deserved it 49 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stupid, but only because America can't take a joke anymore.

Yeah, it is stupid. Airport security has gotten way outta control. And studies show that we're no more safe now then we were before 9/11. All of this extra security is just to make white people feel safe(note: I am white and give a shit about airport security). The late great George Carlin has a great bit about airport security.


Knee-jerk reaction, but, well, what the hell did you think was going to happen? Sucks about "looking suspicious" though.

or maybe looking suspicious as in having a darker skin tone? I have met some really racist Security Personel at airports so you can't really blame the OP. besides, she saved the person checking from getting mauled by T-Shirt shrapnel.

Stupid, but only because America can't take a joke anymore.

I agree...even though this wasn't technically a joke, America is still ridiculous. sure, 9/11 was a big eye opening moment for Americans everywhere but they've taken it way too far.

JurassicHole 5

Can't take a joke? 9/11 is still fresh in the minds of many Americans including myself and just because it happened ten years ago means we should let up on security. So you'd rather have more lenient security and risk another tragedy to occur, or just suck the **** up and get through security? Seriously it's not that big of a deal if you just follow procedure and don't make retarded comments about "exploding". I've travelled alone and with family many times and security us never a hassle. Rather just have it than risk another religious nut job trying to blow up a plane. Sometimes things need to be a bit uncomfortable for the greater safety of all, so stop pointing the finger at how weird it is that Americans don't find it funny when people joke about bombs, explosions, etc when you jolly well know the reason we don't.

You're so stupid. You obviously don't actually know much about 9/11 and the TSA. They couldn't care less about terrorists they just want us to know who has the power.

#47, If you're afraid of normal clothes, you should talk with someone about it. And if you think the added airport "security" is doing anything but giving silly people a false sense of security, you should do some research about the topic instead of flying of your holster.

Yeah, it is stupid. Airport security has gotten way outta control. And studies show that we're no more safe now then we were before 9/11. All of this extra security is just to make white people feel safe(note: I am white and give a shit about airport security). The late great George Carlin has a great bit about airport security.

treesdevin 0

ohh really...and what studies are these.? lol

I hate airport security. Every one I've encountered was stupid, stubborn, condescending and full of attitude. With all the authority bestowed on them, one would think that they could hire better people. I honestly don't think that they're effective at preventing terror threats. For me, they are the worst thing to deal with in air travel.

matt44903 0

"looking suspicious" I am not a lawyer but i don't think that is "probable cause"

kingdomgirl94 29

the law allows them to disregard probable cause. its one of those laws that by-passes the constitution because of public support at the time.

**** the FEDs! 9/11 was an inside job. This is just an excuse to enslave us all.

Airport security nowadays. *sigh*. As if I didn't hate airplanes in the first place.

I got $20 says the author's middle eastern.

Racist Prick...Racism is only funny when it is funny......****, ignore that sucked