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By leenibeani4 - 08/03/2010 03:12 - United States

Today, at the eye doctor, they asked for my birth date for the files. My dad answered quickly, "May 28, 1994." It was embarrassing to have to correct him with "April 19, 1993." Who's May 28? Way to go dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 182
You deserved it 2 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aha family love... maybe it was your secret sibling they have yet to tell you...0_o

the point of this isn't that he forgot the OPs birthday, but that he may have another sibling unknown to him, leading to the possibility that the OPs father is living a double life


Daerauko 0

mine has never known my bday. not an fml

#7 is a terrible person who should just shut the hell up. People can have personal problems.

parents make mistakes. I remember my mom calling me by all my brothers or my sister name until she said mine. he is just getting old. lol

InCaged_Insanity 0

Today my whiny ass child posted that I forgot their birthday to complete strangers online.. FML

the point of this isn't that he forgot the OPs birthday, but that he may have another sibling unknown to him, leading to the possibility that the OPs father is living a double life

I thought that was implied too but it is a huge leap of logic. It could be an important date to him for any number of reasons. Or none; it might just be the first date that popped into his head.

tehamericanboy94 0

Once again, YDI for not being remembered.

Very nice , suprised a whiny bitch ( pun intended ) remembered her birthday.

The OP's dad obviously has two familys. judging by this FML, they are part of his 'second' less important one.

lol yah my mom said all my siblings names once too, including my sisters and my dad, and never got mine cuz she just sed o whoever you are because she wasn't looking at me as she was saying this, had a pretty good laugh

lol how the **** are y'all saying it's not an fml that really ******* sucks if your dad doesn't know your birthday

but 154!!! she was embarresed for 3 seconds of her life! that's a total reason to post on fml (not -.-)

thats my birthday. im your long lost brother

Dwight_A_R_Manag 0
lolitsmadi 0
shiznutmuffin 0

op you said hesaid it quickly, so he probably didnt think it through. get over it already

Peacemaker9 7

and then the doctor says "ooooooo!!!!!! nice move dad!!!!!!!! dam don't even know ur own child's birth date!!!!!" lolol

May 28, 1994 is my birthday. maybe I'm your half brother ;)

May 28 may birthday! Are you my long lost sister?

#24 I understand your point, with the whole calling wrong names thing, but that's it. Birthdays are completely different, in a sense. I would understand if OP's dad would have corrected himself immediately, but how OP had said it, the dad probably said it with no knowledge that he was wrong at first. I've seen another FML where a parent scolded the writer for forgetting her sisters birthday, when it was actually the writer's. The comments there were similar to this one, where commenters said not to worry because parents mix up names of siblings, and that that is similar to mixing up birthdays. Which is wrong is what I'm trying to say. I'm guessing I'm going to get a lot of shit (or dislikes/downvotes) for this but I feel it needs to be said

don't worry. my dad doesn't know mine. and it's 8 days after his. I'm 9/12/96 (d/m/y)

For some reason it reminded me of Dateline nbc

15. Btw my birthday is on May 28 1994...

mlipro, you just found out your father is leading a double life. How do you feel about that?

Beli_fml 0

bahaa I know gr. 5s in my school who know about this site.... 13 is nothing. the worlds ****** up.

tereshay 0

15!! Am I too young? these posts are quite safe considering the other Fml app I use to have..

I thought the terms for download said 17 and over.... Oh well.

15 year olds ftw, almost 16 tho and could pass as an 18 year old :)

How many people actually pay attention to those things though?

Mjwnenrjs 17
Lifedoutcobra 0

I know the feeling! At least your a day before 420!

dudeitsdanny 9

A day before the most idiotic celebration? That's something to feel special about

sourgirl101 28

4/20 is also Hitler's Bday. Anyone got a smoke?

aha family love... maybe it was your secret sibling they have yet to tell you...0_o

I agree with #6 your father may have a love child???

jakeomatic 0

Just moderated this about 20 minutes ago.. where's my award?

jakeomatic 0

WTF, I spend 12 hours a day moderating FMLs, I don't get any benefits, and I'm paid below minimum wage. That's it, I quit.

menh if he forgets your name, bitch about it. till then who cares

cookie_monster2 0