By Devil - 11/12/2012 06:07 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, at the gas station, the automatic door didn't open when I approached it. I asked the cashier to open it for me, joking that because I'm a redhead, I didn't have a soul and it wouldn't open for me. The cashier freaked and wouldn't let me go until I proved I had a soul. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 539
You deserved it 5 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iMarriedadouche 3

How did you "prove" the existence of your soul?!!


xoxoCherryBamm 10

For the people asking how did she prove she had a soul, who said she did prove it? Maybe she posted this FML still inside the store.

Red head doesn't mean you are a ginger. A ginger is a red head with a lot of freckles and is crazy

Crazy is not part of it. And READ BELOW. GINGERS ARE NOT REDHEADS.

Redheads are NOT the same as Gingers... Gingers have ORANGE HAIR! Redheads have RED HAIR! OP should know this, if they're actually a ginger...

What? Real red isn't a natural hair colour. Red hair means "orange" hair. Red heads and gingers are the same.

I want to know how you proved that you have a soul.... Many philosophy majors would be curious as well.

I know this is extremely random but 114, your profile pic...

invisibleman8472 17

You're right gingers don't have souls

Next time you're in there you should ask to speak to a manager.