By JuggaloSlasher15 - 08/08/2013 23:03 - United States

Today, at the pool, a kid no older than 8 was sitting on the diving board, not letting anyone else use it. I went over and tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen. My uncle stormed over, said "I got this!" and punted him over the edge. We both got thrown out for "bullying" the kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 753
You deserved it 6 803

Same thing different taste


Me and OP talking about his uncle. OP: Why is he running? Me: Because we have to chase him. OP: But he didn't do anything wrong... Me: Because he is the hero this pool deserves, but not the one it needs right now. Me: so we'll hunt him, because he can take it...

That kid will never jump off a diving board again...

That is retarded. This bullying shit has gone way to far. That little kid needed his ass kicked. And he should have had a parent there to do it. I commend your uncle for not being too politically correct as to stop himself from doin what the situation called for.

#144 free country. we do what needs to be done, bitch

skyeyez9 24

I pictured your uncle as "Uncle Rico" from the movie Napoleon Dynamite.

Little brat should have been thrown out too. Your uncle's awesome. Where's the kids parents? Who's the kids parents? Rick and Lori? Is is name Carl?

That sucks, but just think, everyone else there is thanking him for getting the kid off for them!