By poop - 18/05/2009 17:25 - United States

Today, at work, I decided to try and impress this girl walking behind me by holding the door open for her. As she was walking through, I inadvertently pulled the door too hard. It slammed against the wall and ricochet back, hitting her right in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 635
You deserved it 19 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unlucky91 0

Well, either thats the end of meeting her or maybe you'll have a story to tell your kids :] but yeah FBYL ( **** both your lives). i hope she doesn't get a bruise


learn how to hold open a door man, that's just bad looking for you! luckily though I am having a door holding class so I guess i'll see you there!

yea I hold the door to be polite but how the hell is it impressive

KingOfOreos 0

I don't get why so many people rate that he deserves it he was trying to be nice

That has happened to me so many times...both sides of the story

Nice "face"breaker to start a conversation with :)

Thought it took more than that to impress a girl...

It's gentlemanly? I hold doors open for anyone... Who would ergonomically design a door only to be opened by men? It was a polite thing to do anyway though OP, fyl.