By StrawberryJuicey - 13/12/2009 18:39 - United States

Today, I went to Victoria's Secret to get sized. I put the card that says my size in my pocket, then went to the movies with my boyfriend. When the person at the counter asked me to hand them my ticket, I reached into my pocket and handed it to them. It wasn't the ticket. It was my bra size. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 837
You deserved it 32 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

If I was the ticket-taker, I'd say, "Hmmmm, 38 Double-D? Your theater will be in the men's room, last stall, I'll be there in 15 minutes."

I_Own_Ubers 0

that's not that bad, they can pretty much see the size of em anyway, the fact that it was on a piece of paper meant they didn't have to guess


How is this an FML? Unless you're a 32AA who has been stuffing her bra to look bigger, what's the big deal?

pancakes_n_syrup 0

I'm gonna guess that the OP is some 12-13 year old girl who thinks it's the end of the world just because something this minuscule happens. And to all you youngins who post stupid fml's like this - "minuscule" means tiny and not important.

hellokittywhore 0

yeah that skirt really shows your modesty. :D

yea.. I'm with 21 that's not really an fml..

namhowell 6

Lol that's funny, not exactly what I call fml but I'll be nice.

I_Own_Ubers 0

that's not that bad, they can pretty much see the size of em anyway, the fact that it was on a piece of paper meant they didn't have to guess

y is this comment under love? that sucks though.

AshliBaby16 0

that's not really an FML... it's sad but it's not horrible.

perdix 29

If I was the ticket-taker, I'd say, "Hmmmm, 38 Double-D? Your theater will be in the men's room, last stall, I'll be there in 15 minutes."


I thought she was trying to get out of paying, and if it's 38-Double D, I'm guessing she might ^^ Perdix, I've said this before are a bad that I hope does not work at a cinema!

perdix 29

Oh, Rayn4u, I know you really love me! And, as a matter of fact, as a teenager I DID work as a ticket-taker at my local cinema. Where did you think I learned that line, which, by the way, worked about 12% of the time? The other 88% of the time, the girls would complain to my boss, but he was a dirty, old French guy who would pretend to reprimand me and then we'd have a good laugh with me after she was out of earshot. He's one reason I love the French! Tu me manques, Ben!

You must have had an interesting upbringing ^^ 12% of the time...really...?

perdix 29

Rayn4u, Did you know if you stand in front of a mirror and repeat the words "Green bears" loudly and slowly, it starts to sound like "Gullible?" Most people find it happens between 80 and 110 times. ;)

Hmm, very interesting. I trust your statistics and will try that immediately.

So does that mean that girls often gave you a sheet of paper with their bra size on it?

That would be kind of embarrassing, but its not too bad. Watch people say, whether or not its an FML depends on how big you are.

OP, I don't see what's so ****** about your life.