By rubgy_lover - 27/06/2013 15:02 - Canada - Surrey

Today, at work, I politely asked a patron to be quieter; I was hit in the face. I work in a library. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 108
You deserved it 3 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You work in a library. I'm sure there are plenty of books detailing murders and the proper process of getting rid of a body...


olpally 32

Call the cops and get that person locked away. What an asshat!

I'm surprised you were hit, considering that you're in Canada...

You were probably not alone in asking...but in that way he could have been kicked out...

cottoncandymango 17

I'm sure a few heavy books in the face could help kick him out efficiently.

chezgigi 7

Grab one of those big atlas books and smack them across the face.