By rubgy_lover - 27/06/2013 15:02 - Canada - Surrey

Today, at work, I politely asked a patron to be quieter; I was hit in the face. I work in a library. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 108
You deserved it 3 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You work in a library. I'm sure there are plenty of books detailing murders and the proper process of getting rid of a body...


jaguar45b 7

Ok sometimes it is nice to talk about the book with another person. And being told to be quiet is annoying

So after your initial skirmish it turned out to be all quiet on the western front.

Stuff thir face into a book and say "There there..let us muffle those screams into some literature.."

ruchiee 6

I hope you got back at him. No reason for someone to put their hands on you.

OP here: I think I startled the patron, I'm a very quiet person :P So the punch was a knee jerk (or should I say arm jerk) reaction. For everyone who said that I should have hit the person back, I would prefer to keep my job :P. It's a pretty sweet gig; the library is at my university and with it being the summer term, it's not very busy (usually). I pretty much get paid above min. wage to do my own coursework. I asked the patron to leave and I haven't seen her since, so its all good.

Kc1001 14

Siri knows how to get rid of a body.

Kc1001 14

sorry. I wrote this before I saw op's post.

Maybe he knew you liked rugby? I know I'm reaching here. *slinks away*

gremlin86 6

I work IT in a Library. I feel you'r pain. I have now lost all faith in humanity the people that come in act so entitled its rediculs. we have had staff verbally assulated several times.