By bob - 17/12/2012 18:16 - United Kingdom - London

Today, while doing our Christmas shopping, my sister showed me a product that she really hated. The same one I bought her for Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 866
You deserved it 4 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luna2152 3

12 - So you walk straight into it?


Tell her on Christmas Day that it is about giving and not receiving. Give it to her whether she likes it or not. Tell her that not everybody can have nice things and would love to have whatever the product was.

20 - Wow, so much for Christmas spirit o.O. She could just return it and get something her sister might like better. Why deal with it the harsh way?

Because some people don't know the true meaning of Christmas.

barefootchic 6

Well the true meaning of Christmas definitely isn't to be self-righteous and make other people miserable.

You completely misunderstood what I said. I didn't say I was self righteous. Just some people need to learn that we can't all have nice things. Does a teenager want clothes for Christmas? No, he/she probably wants a car. But they should be thankful they have clothes because some people don't.

Just because she doesn't want one $20 item doesn't mean she wouldn't like anything that inexpensive, it just means she dislikes that item. I was ecstatic over a $7 toy from Wal-Mart and I'm 21.

mduffy08 8

30 - Yes we get the concept of receiving an gift is a great thing - but why give something you know someone will hate?

I'll just stop talking. I'm trying as best I can to redeem myself but I can't. Sorry if I offended some of you guys, I truly am. I don't try to be a bad person. I try to be a nice person. Sorry all.

#22 I'm pretty sure bob is a guys name.

Maybe it's just me, but I like to run some ideas by my friends and family before buying for them, that way I know that what I'll get them is something they might enjy, all the while leaving some surprise as to what it might be.

Exactly. Even if you want it to remain a secret, try to subtly hint it to them. That way you can get their opinion and get a great gift.

Maybe it's just me, but I like to actually know my friends and family well enough that I know they will enjoy what I have selected for them without having to get hints or run it by them.

That's probably what OP thought. At least this way there're no let downs, no stupid presumptions, fake smiles and then the behind the back "did you see this shit they got me?" talk.

#13 -- Sometimes there are misses even with the best of intentions and with people you know really well. And sometimes talking through wants/needs with people (or getting someone else to do so unobtrusively) gives you new insights or a better gift idea, even for someone for whom you might think you already know the perfect present.

Or maybe OP thought he knew his sister well enough not to have to do that. Either way, I say keep it. Give it as a joke and then give a real gift :)

perdix 29

Someone peeked! I'm guessing it's One Direction merchandise. Girls go crazy for them immediately, but seem to get sick of them quickly.

I bet it was the xbox 360, because you take one look at it, turn 360 degrees and walk away.

luna2152 3

12 - So you walk straight into it?

perdix 29

#12, you do realize that 360 degrees is one full circle? Are you saying people walk up to it, rotate once, then walk right through it?

RvidxrKlvn 8

Pleonasm was trying to say that you bulldoze right through it

The whole "Xbox 360" thing was a reference to a Yahoo Answers post once.

16- well, I mean I guess it works if you play Xbox with your back to the TV...

Pleonasm meant you turn 360 degrees, walk through it and turn it into an 'ex-box'. Ha...

Thank you guys all so much *eyes tear up*

I too look at my Xbox 360, turn 360 degrees, and walk into my Xbox 360.

Never too late to give her a simple card and money.

I didn't know curiosity was a crime. I'm sure there's plenty of guys buying stupid gifts who could use a heads up on what girls might not like, don't you think? Just hoping the ten pack of ShamWows I bought hits well with the ladies...

Lol, some people on here are just rude. Being curious isn't a crime. I know when I read this FML, I was curious as to what was bought. o:

It was the schticky!! OP got suckered in by the very loud and upbeat upselling for a piece of sticky rolling rubber lol

... Might have been the shake weight...

I hope you kept the receipt! Time to return the gift for something she would like!

chrissy2 28

Better to know they hate it before you give it to them and not after... That happens to me every year with my dad. I'm starting to think he just hates everything.

Your Dad tells you that he hates your gifts?? What's his problem? I still have every necklace my kids made or bought me in their school Christmas store, from costing .01 to $1.00. My kids are 34 to 18 yrs old so, prices changed a lot! I also still have (on display) everything they made me as gifts! I love everything my kids give me!

Your dad shouldnt be rude, even if he hates your gift he should at least be happy u made an effort to get him something!

chrissy2 28

He's kind of a hardass, doesn't have much feelings lol. Like he'll pretend to like it, and then stare at it for half an hour trying to find SOMETHING wrong with it so he can return it without seeming "rude". Like last year I bought him and he gave it to my boyfriend right in front of me.

chrissy2 28
sushichick 17

Ouch. Yes, hopefully you can just return it and get something else you'd think she'll like. Best of luck, OP!

Luckily you still have time to return it!

If you can't return the gift then give it to someone else. I usually give people gift cards so they can buy themselves something they like, instead of assuming what we think they like.