By Peter80 - 03/03/2009 14:55 - Netherlands

Today, at work, our new cute intern asked me if I could explain my work. Taking a cool posture sitting on her desk I explained. After 10 minutes I walked away, only to hear her laughing with the girl next to her. Turns out my fly was open. And I didn't wear underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 222
You deserved it 73 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who the **** doesn't wear underwear? At least #1 had his boxers on and just misclosed it...

Oh man, I just went through this not too long ago. The button was missing to keep my boxers closed and I didnt properly zip my fly after using the bathroom. I gave my friends a free show for at least a minute.


Cloudy_fml 0

I see London, I see France... Peter's not wearing underpants!

How do people forget to wear underwear? Really. Worse yet, why do some people choose not to? Friggin' uncomfortable.

mcnordan 0

Why is this FML? this is a good thing imo. You totally got away it, too.

I agree with #6. Its the truth, it would be similar to having to sort through a huge box of dirty panties and other similar clothing (working at charity donation sites for the less fortunate)

If she didn't tell you to zip it up it can't be too bad.

#13 hit the nail on the head...and #23 ur stupid..wear underwear atleast at work simpathies for her...


ok first, thats just nasty you roll commando, second thats why button-flies are useful

TheOrpheus 0

commando= super beast. go you.