By TVKill3r - 29/03/2013 00:57 - United States

Today, at work while near a cigarette tray outside, a man said, "Thanks for polluting our environment!" All I could say was, "What?" He then said "I'm speaking English you know!" I was cleaning the cigarette tray at the time, don't smoke at all, and was born here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 811
You deserved it 2 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah... i hate those people who think they're better then everyone else...

RedGai 7

Should reply, "Thanks for wasting our welfare money"


People who jump to conclusions should suck in a thorny bush while getting raped by an elephant in Africa, that way I can't hear their stupid statements that were clearly not fully thought through.

Put the internet down for the night and take a nap. That was an insanely stupid comment.

I hate smokers! Thank you for doing the right thing! You don't deserve this abuse xox

They probably hate you right back. It takes, what, 5 seconds out of your life to walk passed a smoker? You can't go that long without giving someone a chance before you prejudge them? That's the type of attitude that has filled our planet with so much anger. Give people a chance to prove themselves worthy of your love or hate. They might surprise you.

Yeah, me, too. I think it's the color of the eyes that creep me out the most. When my wife saw the pic, it scared her so bad that she will no longer look when I say, "Hey, look at this cool pic I found online", unless I promise her it's not gross.

abukaramel 10

Judging a person without knowing full well what the person is doing or who they are. I can't stand people like that.

UnluckyGenius 21

His life seems to be the only pollution I see here.

Get so many crazies. They can be amusing at times but mostly an inconvenience. Smile and nod.

Ever since I started reading FML I can't stop getting amazed at how stupid and arrogant some people are.

upallnight11 19

That's America and people wonder why everyone else in the country hates us.

MaydayParadexx 18

... Why everyone else in the country hates us? Isn't everyone else in the country America also American?

A quick and curt "**** Off" actually tends to shut these types up very well.