By TVKill3r - 29/03/2013 00:57 - United States

Today, at work while near a cigarette tray outside, a man said, "Thanks for polluting our environment!" All I could say was, "What?" He then said "I'm speaking English you know!" I was cleaning the cigarette tray at the time, don't smoke at all, and was born here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 811
You deserved it 2 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah... i hate those people who think they're better then everyone else...

RedGai 7

Should reply, "Thanks for wasting our welfare money"


I would've just given him a distasteful look and either said "whatever, gtfo here" or if I was at work just an "okay? Lol" Haha

Obey_StudBoii 23

This must be the same person that blurted out "Rule 7 Don't touch George."

Am I the only one that thought of that scene from Pulp Fiction where Samuel L. Jackson said "English ************, do you speak it!?"

There are few things I hate more than self-righteous slacktivist assholes.

dhaxor 9

Well, that's what liberals are like....

rg350dx 29

You are such a bad person because you were doing your job cleaning the cigarette tray which in turn prevents that trash from getting onto the street and ruining the environment. You should have instead been just loitering around and judging other people while they do something productive. Shame on you!

TVKill3r 15

Alright I'll just say it, you win everything with that comment. XD

tinkybonk 10

He started with a liberal statement and ended with a comservative statement. I think that person is politcally confused.

onorexveritas 23

I hate people like that, so arrogant

Ya that sucks should have just said Your Welcome and btw i was born here moron.