By ragnarok1540 - 18/02/2016 04:35 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, despite hints, suggestions, and even blatant criticism, my coworker refuses to believe he smells like rotten donkey nuts. He says he only needs to shower once a week, and that he doesn't believe in deodorant. I volunteered to do an extra autopsy today because the morgue smells better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 586
You deserved it 1 332

ragnarok1540 tells us more.

Fortunately since we are pathologists, we don't really have any direct patient contact. However we do have many surgeons coming down to the surgical pathology lab, not to mention the poor laboratory technologists who have to work around this guy ...

Top comments

I don't understand people like this at all, hopefully he gets the hint eventually when he realises that a morgue literally smells better than he does

can't you ask a supervisor to speak with him? that sounds horrible


If you can't change his behavior by directly confronting him, the guy is clearly in denial. Time to ask your employer for a separate office or to take action by establishing office behavior rules. Airlines can refuse people with bad hygiene to board planes.

RedPillSucks 31

he works in the morgue. there are no offices.

HR is your God and Savior in this case. If his smell is interrupting work flow, IE: people frequently needing to seek fresh air/becoming sick from his scent, they'll end that shit quickly. Or rid the company of him. Especially if you all work with corpses. That's a sanitation issue.

#30, there will be desks in a room away from the cooled room where they store the bodies, to allow them processing all the paperwork and reports that come along with handling formerly alive humans. This is usually what you call an office. Or did you think they cozy up on the stretchers and write happily on a clipboard?

It always baffles me that there are people out there who don't like taking showers or brushing their teeth. Even if your own smell doesn't bother you, you FEEl gross. How can that not bother people?

they're used to it so they don't notice it themselves

I could NEVER be used to the feel of not showering. I totally feel gross by the end of the day. I can't even imagine what this guy's house must smell/look like.

mariri9206 32

I had a coworker once who would sleep in his car cause he lived, like, an hour (or maybe more) away and, so, he didn't shower often. At least, I got to smell his overpowering Cologne that he drowned himself instead of any B.O.

the worst is when the patients start to complain!

Fortunately since we are pathologists, we don't really have any direct patient contact. However we do have many surgeons coming down to the surgical pathology lab, not to mention the poor laboratory technologists who have to work around this guy ...

I think 18 was saying the dead bodies are complaining. Lmao

Break out the peppermint extract for him

Next time! Say Hi to your co worker by spraying fabrez

sohigh10 34

Twice a day is a little bit overkill, but if it makes you feel better, it's still significantly better than someone not taking showers when they should..

aShrubbery 3

If all else fails grab a hose and some soap!

The only days I skip my shower are when I'm sick with the flu, have a fever and feel like I would freeze to death in my clammy bathroom. The feeling of a hot shower, fresh clothes and fresh bedding when the fever is gone is heavenly. Like being a human being again after interning as an ape for a few days.

Go talk to HR about it. Most companies require looking and smelling nice as part of professional attire. It's part of HR's responsibilities to address these issues. Good luck.