By Anonymous - 02/09/2019 04:00 - New Zealand - Invercargill
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 09/05/2015 20:50
Relationship specialist
By Anonymous - 16/10/2023 13:00
By fuckoffgran - 01/08/2013 14:46 - Ireland
By ohdear - 03/01/2010 18:06 - United Kingdom
Read the room
By Sarah - 11/02/2025 09:00 - United States - Austin
Enough is enough
By Anonymous - 19/09/2015 05:45 - Canada - Victoria
Let her have her fun
By WHY GRANDMA - 17/06/2023 20:00 - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco
By nyebust - 01/01/2011 05:18 - United States
Close knit
By Anonymous - 01/03/2025 09:00 - Ireland - Dublin
Top comments
Sounds like everybody oughta be ashamed of Grandma instead! What business is it of hers or anybody else's about OP's choices in her social life? Being single isn't always a voluntary decision at times.... :-(
And there’s nothing to be ashamed of at being single. Surely better than being in an abusive or a crappy relationship.
Just for curiosity’s sake... how old are you?
How fat is she that half the family is required to lift her up?
IME if female relatives try to shame you into a relationship/marriage, it's because their own sucked and misery always wants company. Usually they can't deal with the prospect of another women just enjoying her freedom because that means she's not tied down to the hyena table of unhappily married women who actually despise their situation yet insist that everyone join them or be shunned as selfish and unloveable lmao. Internalized misogyny is a real b*tch. The time of financial and social dependency on a marriage for women is long gone, some people just have a hard time grasping that concept. I'd argue getting wasted at a family reunion before insulting people and passing out is more of a reason to be ashamed, but you know, different values here.
Get out much, do ya?
"You expressed an opinion relevant to this story with coherent and thought-out ideas. That is ...bad...for I must insult you. But I myself dont' understand why I'm lashing out, so it will be the vaguest and least relevant insult ever. Something about how having an opinion and being a woman means you must be some sort of social pariah. Nailed it!"
Sounds like it’s time for you to choose your own family.

Sounds like everybody oughta be ashamed of Grandma instead! What business is it of hers or anybody else's about OP's choices in her social life? Being single isn't always a voluntary decision at times.... :-(
How fat is she that half the family is required to lift her up?