By Dsark - 19/02/2014 05:12 - United States - San Diego

Today, during a lecture, my teacher jokingly talked about the time he was best buds with George Washington. Another student then asked, "Really? You knew him?" I'm in an advanced placement U.S. history class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 330
You deserved it 3 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, George, that old rascal. I remember when he took his buddies out for a midnight row across the river to throw a surprise Christmas party. Good times...good times.


US History? Do you really need a class for a period so small? You could probably get through it all in an afternoon.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

America has a lot of history, actually.

Considering the US wasn't even a State 250 years ago, and how much has occurred in the short time that we have been a nation, a semester will barely get through the American Revolution.

There must be a lot you don't know about. Not only do we learn in depth about the colonies, the Revolution takes a lot of time, as well as industrialization and the Gilded Age. Not to mention the Civil War, learning about presidents and problems with Native Americans, famous court cases, all the amendments, foreign affairs through the history and so much more. There's a lot of material to it actually. Try your hand at it.

HJKM_fml 19

There are classes based on Revolutionary America, the Civil War, the Holocaust, etc. Granted some are only a semester long, but still...

I could spend half a year talking about the political and social repercussions of the civil war, nothing is so simple that it could be covered in a day.

GiovanniPaisa 8

I think we found that other student in OP's class

Oh my god, you know I don't blame him for saying that I blame the teacher that put him in that class !!!!!!!

Hope you don't wake up one day to see that idiot treating you in the ER.

Well, I'm sure you've heard the old joke, "What do you call a medical student who graduates last in the class? A doctor."

FYL just for being in AP U.S in the first place. I feel your pain

middlenamefrank 8

I'm guessing that was the kid I ran into at McDonald's last night who couldn't run the cash register. I weep for our country.

Is he still teaching? I think I had him for history 40 years ago

Stuff like this is proof positive that knowing raw facts doesn't alone make you intelligent. Most people are capable of learning raw facts if they really want. Some have better memorization skills yes, but most could still do it if they wanted. Either way though, you could clearly know a lot of facts and still be an idiot in other aspects, like this. I see it all the time.