By Anonymous - 14/09/2009 22:22 - United States

Today, during a major fight with my boyfriend, I threw a necklace he had given me out the window, thinking it was just a cheap trinket. He then told me, for the first time, that that necklace had belonged to his now deceased grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 205
You deserved it 723

Top comments

Never give that kind of stuff to girlfriends, save it for the wives.

amiamazing 0

Wow, you really are an ungrateful bitch for doing that. It was just a fight.


why would you throw it out of the window ?? If you're angry at HIM, throw it at HIM!!!

RNCftw 0

well he could have been lying. and he deserved it for not telling you. that seems like something that would have been good/cool to know regardless.

Mignun 0

*Sigh* You don't throw gifts out of the window! You throw it at him. who cares if it's cheap or not? What about the thought that counts? YDI.

pshnoway 0

Does anyone even read the comments before they post? There has to be at least twenty versions of the same comment. Also, you totally deserve it. Maybe go take an anger management class?

If you weren't such a materialistic bitch, you'd realize things have more value than the metal they're made out of.

Igor_g5 0

I agree that it probably wasn't a family heirloom or he would have said something. And you don't give that stuff away litely. But even if it was cheap shit, you throw away something that he gave you as a gift over a stupid fight? What a BITCH. YDI

sorry lord for saying this but what a bitch i wouldve pissed on youre mouth for doing that

megapede3000 0

Wow YDI. I hope he broke up with you, you dumb bitch.

pinkxsquid 0

I get that you were trying to be all dramatic and whatever, but that's kind of bitchy.