By Biggie - 02/02/2011 14:44 - United States

Today, during a snowstorm, I opened my car door to get out. The wind snapped it wide open, then immediately changed course and swung it back at me just as I stepped out, spilling an entire hot cup of coffee all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 277
You deserved it 4 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you were warm for a little bit.

Your coffee was committing suicide. I'd like to think it's because it couldn't bear the cold any longer, but I'm sure you know the truth that it just couldn't stand you.


oliiieee309 0

Dang tht sucks it happens to everyone no biggy haha

JesseHowerton 0

Would you like a side of epic with that fail?

The overuse of "epic" pisses me off almost as much as the use of "fail" as a noun. Please explain how this fail is so epic. Homer's Odyssey is epic. Beowulf is epic. This episode is mildly amusing and moderately annoying, but nowhere close to epic.

djxtones 0

Well, there is the hero (OP), there is travel involved, there is the antagonist (hot coffee), the mysterious and unpredictable force of nature that brings them together (the wind) and fate leads to demise of the hero's clothing. It actually contains quite a few epic elements haha.

Your coffee was committing suicide. I'd like to think it's because it couldn't bear the cold any longer, but I'm sure you know the truth that it just couldn't stand you.

It couldn't stand his lips touching it's mouth and sipping its liquids out.

that sucks. i've had the same thing happen to me, and my head got slammed in the door.

anonymous13791 0

at least you were worm for a little bit...

today some guy opened his car door got out and the door slammed into me and he spilled me on him-coffees fml

That's why coffee is supposed to be drunk at a café. The car is for driving.

djxtones 0

I agree. They should have taken the coffee's keys away and not let it drive whilst being drunk.

perdix 29

If that happened at McDonald's, you could become a millionaire!

Are you talking about that class action lawsuit claiming McDonalds coffee was too hot, and could cause 3rd degree burns? I saw that too! Unbelievable!

Are you talking about that class action lawsuit claiming McDonalds coffee was too hot, and could cause 3rd degree burns? I saw that too! Unbelievable!

Are you talking about that class action lawsuit claiming McDonalds coffee was too hot, and could cause 3rd degree burns? I saw that too! Unbelievable!

perdix 29

Actually, I was talking about the lady that spilled some of McDonald's coffee on her crotch (McD's defense: they don't even do hot open-faced roast beef sandwiches ;) ) Part of her case was probably related to the class-action suit saying that McDonald's has been warned that they serve their coffee too damn hot.

how about this million dollar idea. Go to mickey d's bathroom, turn on the hot water and burn ur hand. then sue :-)