By jfc519 - 12/08/2012 16:23 - United Kingdom - Leicester

Today, during lunch break at work, the bitter departmental rivalry blew out of control, when one of the glorified thugs from HR started a fistfight with my shift supervisor. I rushed in to break it up, but only succeeded in getting sucker-punched into next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 018
You deserved it 3 444

jfc519 tells us more.

jfc519 0

Software development company. Not gonna put the name out there though, cause I like having a job. I got into this job expecting peace and quiet all day, but I quickly found out the bosses don't give a shit, and people can get away with anything but murder if they kiss enough arse afterward. You could pop round to HR to complain about pretty much anything, and they'd still tell you to get ******. Sometimes I wonder if they even do anything beside play tetris all day. :|

Top comments

Punched into next week? So you get a free week of pay! Make sure your supervisor signs off your punch card.

Hey, while you're in next week, do you mind getting me the winning lotto numbers? I know a Nigerian prince that can help me wire some of the winnings to you account in exchange for your credit card info.


NatalieOntheTram 11

So, how did you write this FML today if you were sucker-punched into next week? Were you somehow sucker-punched back in time?

Trolling? Otherwise: every FML has to start with 'Today, ...', even if it happened two years ago. Either this caused the FML to sound funny, or OP was speaking figuratively.

They shouldn't have started a fight. That doesn't fix anything. What they should have done was steal all the printers, take them to a park, and them bash them to bits. Instant camaraderie.

It's up, up , down, left, right, left, right and start. It's only select and start if you are doing two player. End of nerd rant.

perdix 29

Finally, someone with the guts to call HR the thugs they really are. Our HR is constantly extorting money for the so-called "United Way," even though we have no proof the money does any good in the community. Might as well give to the "Human Fund."

icrest80 4

Wait, the "Human Fund" isn't real???? I thought everything said on Seinfeld is real!

Marineman5 6

Where do you work?? And who hit you Tyler durden?

perdix 29

If it was, he wouldn't talk about it (rule #1).

chocolatepandas 2

I don't think he's going to answer you

jfc519 0

Software development company. Not gonna put the name out there though, cause I like having a job. I got into this job expecting peace and quiet all day, but I quickly found out the bosses don't give a shit, and people can get away with anything but murder if they kiss enough arse afterward. You could pop round to HR to complain about pretty much anything, and they'd still tell you to get ******. Sometimes I wonder if they even do anything beside play tetris all day. :|

jfc519 0

And I'm fine btw, my face hurts and I smacked my head but the tard didn't quite hit my jaw. Probably hurt him more than me.

You expected peace and quiet with a job in software development? You should watch Terminator. Or Source Code. Or Swordfish. Or Sneakers. Or Tron. Or The Matrix. Or Live Free or Die Hard. Or a thousand other movies. Programming jobs, more often than not, involve computers going out of control trying to kill all humans, or being sucked into the memory of someone about to explode, or hacking into the FBI database while having a loaded gun pressed to your temple and a girl giving you a *******, and did I mention you only have a minute? You knew the job was dangerous when you took it.

Brainless HR drones do more than play tetris, they also spend lots of time figuring out ways to screw everyone else in the company over.

rallets 22

he went in to break up a fight because hes the hero they deserve, but not the one it needs right now. so we'll hunt him. because he can take it. because he's not our hero. he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. a dark knight. but on a good note, if he punched you into next week, at least you get a nice vacation. right?

Marineman5 6

It's good your ok. But jeez i hope who ever hit you got fired

Slender_Man 6

Ouch. Let's hope your jaw isn't broken.

olpally 32

Well at least you don't have to make your own time machine like Stewie to time travel. Hopefully that punch to the head won't make you do something stupid and send credit card information to an internet scammer in Nigeria...

HooHooHa 6

It's just an expression, enough with the terrible jokes already

dominic1221 6

No shit. Surprised these people weren't all over the "pretentious" FML pretending to be as stupid as the girl cussing the OP out.

b_rad_fml 4

WOW! What kind of HELL is your workplace if HR has thugs?

Good question. HR exists mainly to keep the company out of trouble. Odd their thugs are being so obvious.