By Chouse - 07/09/2012 01:56 - Canada - Grande Prairie

Today, during my uncle's funeral, my four year old loudly asked, "Where's all the dead people?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 800
You deserved it 2 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Not here honey. Just wait for the zombie apocalypse"

You can't expect a four year old to know exactly what to say or do. My nephew has embarrassed me many times :/ Sorry about your loss OP


shaka_Z_0929007 10

When I was three at my aunts funeral I screamed out "MOMMY I WENT POTTY" during the uliology. He did something better honestly

Omg the things kids say! That's a good story that your family will never forget!

onorexveritas 23

Sorry for your loss, OP. Bravo for bringing and teaching your child. My family has done this for generations. The rough rule is to start bringing them after they are toilet trained. The kids often say or do something that initially embarrasses the parents, but it lightens the somberness and later becomes a beloved memory.

SharonMarie 2

Shouldn't take a four year old to a funeral.

He could of said something much worse. People probably found it funny or at least I would.

Fishfanatic 7

" you're standing on them kid"

kglo 7

Better then when I went to my great grandmas funeral. I was in first grade and asked my mom if she would be hanging by a rope. My sister thought the usual lunch at a restaurant meant we would be taking my gma too.

Am I the only one who has no idea what this means?