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By Anonymous - 07/09/2012 00:49 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I was refused employment at a liquor store. Their reason? I'm a regular customer and they're afraid I'll drink all their profits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 429
You deserved it 21 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you having experience shopping there and liking the products make you more useful as a salesperson? That wasn't a very wise choice on their part.

omfg_creepers 8

Did you apply for the chance of employee discounts?


twaumat 28

well if you come in regularly to a liquor store...I see why they would assume that.

He could just stop going there and see how they like it then

He could regularly go there once a month or week for a 6pack of beer nobody should judge him we don't know the full story.

omfg_creepers 8

Did you apply for the chance of employee discounts?

Nabee143 3

2- You have to APPLY for an employee discount? Since when? I thought if you are an employee, and they give employee discounts, then I assume you would get that discount. Without applying for it. Am I wrong here?

kittenvks 11

25- hmmm you have to apply to get the job to get this discount... Nevermind if Im going to have to explain it you don't deserve to know.

To all of you, 25 is right. You apply for the JOB not the discount. If you get the job and they offer discounts for employees, you'd automatically get it Edit: I see what he's saying now... Apply for the job just to get cheap liquor.

mduffy08 8

28 - he meant that he applied to the job FOR the discount. Here, I'll reword it... OP May have not wanted the job, but the discount that came with it.

shamonie22 9

25- I guess you cant read well or just plain old stupid. Where in his post did 2 say that he applied for employee discounts? He asked the guy if he applied for the JOB so that he can get employee discounts.

Wouldn't you having experience shopping there and liking the products make you more useful as a salesperson? That wasn't a very wise choice on their part.

I would think that too. He knows the products well and know where they are located. But I could also see them being worried about him being a drunk and drinking all their liquor as well. The workforce is a tough place.

he should have applied at a different liquor store than the one he frequents.

Rejected by the amazing position of working at a liquor store? you'

I would prefer that over not being employed. a job is a job especially now a days

If op can't get a job at a liquor store because he's a regular, something tells me it'll be a liiiiiittle harder for him to live....

I once asked a guy that worked at a liquor store what the worst part his job was. His reply, 'Seeing my regular customers die.' I think that it may be a wise life choice to aim just a little higher.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

When I first read this, I thought you asked him what his FAVORITE part was. His response shocked the hell out of me. And then I read it again and his response wasn't so crazy :P

expertsmilee 26

Seems like you being a regular patron there could be both a good AND a bad thing in terms of employment.

perdix 29

That's the same reasoning you don't see fat cashiers at McDonald's. No, wait . . .

Same as Chinese people serving you at a Chinese restaurant... ...Oh, wait one second...

If you're a regular customer wouldn't that make you more familiar with the prices and products? Oh well, their lose

Vivica_Gashes 1

I think that is a hint that people view you as an alcoholic.