By Srain - 07/01/2010 06:36 - Australia

Today, feeling confident, I asked my boyfriend what he thought of my new body, since I had lost 16 kilos over the past month. He told me that he missed the old me and wanted me to gain weight again. My boyfriend was the one that encouraged me to lose weight in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 477
You deserved it 3 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To lose 16 kilo's in 1 month, you need to burn 4500 kilocalories more than you eat each day. The only ways to do that are if you - run for two hours a day and eat absolutely nothing (wich is not very healthy) or - have cancer (with is of course even less healthy) Also, your skin can't adapt that fast, so there are probably hanging loose folds of skin from OP's entire body now.

16 kilos in one month. That can't be good.


namhowell 6

Is it humanly possible to lose 40 lbs over a month? I call this a lie.

I lost thirty pounds in a month without working out. It requires some major diet adjustments as well as a good metabolic stack. I think ten pounds above that may be an exaggeration though.

I lost thirty pounds in a month without working out. It requires some major diet adjustments as well as a good metabolic stack. I think ten pounds above that may be an exaggeration though.

There is another FML just like this one you ******* thief!

WOW. did you not eat at all for a month? losing 4kg a week is intense!

youthink_fml 0

YDi for searching/begging for a compliment.

Yeah lost 16 kilos in one month. What did you do - drank only water during this time ? Besides if you want to loose weight you should do it for you not for some asshole what doesn´t know what he want.

bubblebee2007 0

how do you not understand that? hahahaha wow...

Flutist 3

Yeah, really? You lost 16 kilos (35 pounds) in one month? What did you do? Drink only water during this time? If you want to lose weight do it for yourself, not some asshole who apparently can't decide what he wants.

Congrats on losing all that weight, but you should lose the weight for your own reasons, not for your boyfriend or because society wants you to. So if your happy about the weight loss then be happy! On a side note: maybe your boyfriend meant that he likes you no matter what shape your body is in... Sometimes girls can take things, especially weight related, the wrong way.

FaithX 0

There's always the possibility that your new-found confidence due to losing so much weight has him worried he'll lose you. the **** did you lose 16kg in a month?

Denozo 0

YDI for fishing for a compliment. I hate woman who do that.

No #32, women wouldn't have to fish for compliments if they'd be more confident about themselves and stop relying on the opinions of other people.

But really don´t be bitch and come up with the secret - how EXACTLY did you lose that much in such a short time ?