By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 16:41 - Canada

Today, for about the fifth time, my neighbors parked blocking my driveway. After parking across the street I stuck a note on their windshield reading “Nice park job asshole“, only to find out that their nephew just passed away and everyone was gathering to go to the viewing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 639
You deserved it 53 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

That really sucks. However, they really still shouldn't have blocked your drive way. They should've been the one to park in the street or something. Alas, a politer note would probably have conveyed that better.

may_cause_fail 0

That is an immature way to respond. However, that is annoying and illegal on their part. A nicer note might have been a better solution, but I understand how frustrating that can be.


That is really unfortunate about the nephew, but it is still illegal for them to block your driveway and I hate when people try and use pity to get around things like that!

Awkward moment, but if they've done it before, then they are assholes.

elfuzzo 0

Instead of leaving a note, I would have just had them towed.

maryyellen 0

It doesn't matter, it's still illegal for them to block your driveway.

wasabipeas 0

Yeah, don't even feel bad. Maybe they shouldn't suck at parking.

Whatever, they still can't block you out of your own driveway. Just because someone died doesn't mean they get to be self-absorbed and inconsiderate.

alkfjdf 0

everyone knows not to block a driveway it's their fault

YLIF because they're so dumb that they blocked your driveway. YDI because you wrote them a nasty note, you could've worded it differently.

1st_time_caller_ 0

Wow, I have so much respect for the people who leave a comment. Other than myself of course. I really do, all those YDI people, if they could stand behind their YDI they would add a comment, but they can't, so I am glad they don't. Dude, apologize to them, immediately followed by a warning that next time you will have them towed immediately. Do both, it is the mature and funny thing to do. lol

you should have called the tow truck to have it impounded, see if they ever forget blocking someone's driveway just because someone died. these people, sheesh