By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 16:41 - Canada

Today, for about the fifth time, my neighbors parked blocking my driveway. After parking across the street I stuck a note on their windshield reading “Nice park job asshole“, only to find out that their nephew just passed away and everyone was gathering to go to the viewing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 639
You deserved it 53 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

That really sucks. However, they really still shouldn't have blocked your drive way. They should've been the one to park in the street or something. Alas, a politer note would probably have conveyed that better.

may_cause_fail 0

That is an immature way to respond. However, that is annoying and illegal on their part. A nicer note might have been a better solution, but I understand how frustrating that can be.


They deserved that one. It's not your fault they can't park, regardless of the reason. I wouldn't have left a note. I would've called the police.

Thisguy9576 0

At the risk of sounding insensitive, ahh hell, I don't care if I sound insensitive. It's not your fault their nephew died, and it sure as hell isn't an excuse to block your driveway. I would've knocked on their door to tell them to move their car.

Oh wow that sucks (no offense, really). I think it was just bad timing this time, but the other 4 times, I would have been like wtf. However, you could have left a politer note than, "Nice park job asshole."

That really sucks for them, but they still should have parked legally. Though maybe next time write a nicer note?

I don't care why there were parked blocking your driveway. Good reason or not, it's against the law and I would have called the cops to get them a ticket and towed. They could easily have walked a bit farther.

I don't care why they parked there. It's against the law. They are lucky you didn't call the cops to get them towed. They could have walked a bit further.

That's what you get for being so passive aggressive, grow a pair and confront them next time.

Why_Me77 0

"Oh! Yeaaa... I'm sorry about that note...I brought a Bunt cake!"

babbling27 0

FYL. They've done it before so they couldn't have know this time was any different.