By Fatality - 28/10/2010 16:29 - Canada

Today, for once, I managed to get my boyfriend's mind off the hockey game. I muted the TV and cuddled up to him. Only thirty seconds into snuggling, he shoved me onto the floor and screamed, "GOAL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 954
You deserved it 30 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When it's boy time, it's time to leave them in their world...


ha! there's a certain time and place for everything Op and cuddling time while your bf show is on, is not the right time. we all learn from out mistake anyways :D sn: hey at least now you are 100% sure gravity does work :D

That IS Really funny underpaid! But seriously, unless he is an addict who watches EVERY sport, blogs obsessively about it, overspends for it, then neglects you/kids/work for it while he gambles away the diaper money. (some guys do go way overboard and actually have a problem.) But, if he is just a normal guy, then go make him some chip dip and wings and be the cool girlfriend his friends will envy him for! If he is the bad kind though...I'd show him how fast I could run away...

perdix 29

You mean he came after 30 seconds after "snuggling" began? You need to find a guy with some control.

Do you think he enjoys shopping with you? Suck it the hell up

dear moderators: my account has been hax. pleez fix it

YDI for being needy, muting the game, and not cheering when his team scored.

Do not keep a man away from his sports. Especially when said man is Canadian and that sport is hockey.

You deserved that. Leave a man with his sports! My exboyfriend is the reason I got in baseball. I started watching the games because he watched them all and I wanted to spend time with him without dragging him away. Turns out I really like baseball and even though we're still broken up, I still love baseball. Either let him be, or get into the game, but don't try to get in between.