By Scholar - 05/09/2012 16:13 - United States

Today, for the second day in a row, I got to hear both of my roommates having sex, through two closed doors and a hallway. This is as I hit my thirtieth month of involuntary celibacy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 458
You deserved it 3 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

30 months?!? You need to get laid PRONTO!

redmane 21

Don't do what 1 said to do. Get back at them by standing outside their door, loudly making the same noises they are.


jarockstar27 10
apndi 9

...When no one wants to have sex with you. Duh.

Maybe clean yourself up and try NOT being celibate? You can always go promiscuous.

Its called hookers there there for a reason.

OP, it really is a simple solution to your problem. First, slide a tube under their door. Attach one end of tube to a tank of some sort of knock out gas (your choice). Then, the give is yours: do you take the left, unconscious body, or the right one? Pick one, and do your stuff. Don't forget to wash your hands after dumping the bodies in a neighbors room.

Use Craigslist if you're just looking for a night of fun! It works wonders. There's people out there that will do just about anyone

redmane 21

There's also people out there that will kill just about anyone.

bstudds 1

hopefully by roommates you don't mean your parents and you don't sleep in a car bed. sorry I thought of grandma's boy...

mrsmaglietta 6

at least you don't have a baby's mama or STD

Well that really sucks. My number is ..................... lol