By Scholar - 05/09/2012 16:13 - United States

Today, for the second day in a row, I got to hear both of my roommates having sex, through two closed doors and a hallway. This is as I hit my thirtieth month of involuntary celibacy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 458
You deserved it 3 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

30 months?!? You need to get laid PRONTO!

redmane 21

Don't do what 1 said to do. Get back at them by standing outside their door, loudly making the same noises they are.


Well, that's better than my 20 years of involuntary celebacy...

captainburke 5
pinksnowflake 2

Why does it seem like almost every day there is an FML that involves people having noisy sex when others are in the house? Does no one have any respect for others anymore?

I know, right? Making noises is controllable. Louder doesn't mean better sex..

SlayerElite 1

some men get off on the moaning, *cough* not that i would know....

Jus walk in and start watching .. Two things could happen.. They could stop or let you join in . Problem solved problem staying solved .

Wait.... Both ur roommates? Having sex? With each other? Or separate.... I'm confused

rozsrredd 16
CadillacPimpen 6

I didn't know a yeat was a measurement in time...

are your roomates having sex with each other or they are both banging somebody at the same time? it's a little confusing

Sorry to hear that. I did 31 months involuntarily when I was 20. (Through 23) it sucks.