By clublulu - 10/04/2009 02:40 - United States

Today, I absentmindedly stuck two magnets in my mouth while talking, and accidentally swallowed them. I had to go the emergency room. The nurses at the station laughed at me. They thought it was a joke. They couldn't believe an 18 year old would swallow magnets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 803
You deserved it 77 173

Same thing different taste

By mimi - 27/09/2011 02:51 - United States

Today, I shat a magnet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 683
You deserved it 35 755

Top comments

You "absent mindedly" put magnets in your mouth........ And then you "accidently" swallowed them....... How do you figure???????????

what's wrong with swallowing magnets? you can walk up to a girl wearing a bunch of jewelry (well maybe really really cheap jewelry thats magnetic) and be like.. "I think there's a connection.. I'm magnetically attracted to you"


it wouldve been funny if stuff flew to you

hallygators93 0

how do you accidentally swallow magnets? -_-"

i think this was the most pointless fml ive ever seen

Mooshki 0

You deserved it, but it's still funny.

haha, wow, you stupid shit. next time don't bother with the emergency room, it's called natural selection.

I was wondering the same thing, #1. Seriously... how do you just accidentally, randomly, decide to put magnets in your mouth, then swallow them? Wtf? And why did you have to go to the ER? Couldn't you have waited, and shat them out?

I totally get where you're comin from. I'm 19 and I always stick stuff thats like in my hand into my mouth. Never swallowed anything though...

So I work in an ER. 1. people ask why he would go to the ER for something like this? the answer is because people go to the ER for stupid shit all the time. (call 911 for stubbed toes, a rash that they've had for 4 months... etc). 2. If you came into my ER b/c you swallowed magnets, i would have laughed at you too.

I really hope you never have to deal with a patient like OP... This isn't stupid shit. It's serious. OP could've died from this.

heyitslee 0