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By navyma - 17/09/2009 05:10 - Korea Republic of

Today, I went to the orthodontist to have my braces worked on. I accidentally swallowed some of the cleaning solution she used. She told me it would probably give me an upset stomach. Apparently, an upset stomach and crapping your pants means the same thing to an orthodontist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 779
You deserved it 4 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea YAYY PEPTO BISMOL! :D

OP, I'm assuming you posted this FML from the bathroom, as a putrid school of dung guppies launched themselves from the claustrophobic confines of your colon like a civil war cannonball.... am I correct?


Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea YAYY PEPTO BISMOL! :D

Zhejan 0

In Soviet Russia, pants crap you!

bskballa92 0

I literally lol'd at that ^. 2 Brownie Points for you!

Well, yeah, she was right. An upset stomach can involve both ends.

True upset stomach can lead to diarrhea. But I work at an orthodonists office and there is no cleaning solution they use that can make you poop in your pants. I don't think this is a true FML, i wish people would stop making shit up. If you have to make an FML up it should read: Today, I had nothing better to do in my life so I made up this FML, FML.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

Just because your place doesn't have something that could cause an upset stomach doesn't mean no office does. Seriously sometimes different places have different things they use. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it is a lie.

What the ****? maybe they were talking about fluoride or something, that gave me an upset stomach and made me have to go to the bathroom when i swallowed it... troll

MissDanish17 5

okaaay... But, it could just have been you!!

baby610 4

#24 OP is in Korea, they probably use different "solutions" there, this FML could be as true as any other.

OP, I'm assuming you posted this FML from the bathroom, as a putrid school of dung guppies launched themselves from the claustrophobic confines of your colon like a civil war cannonball.... am I correct?

broken_chaos 0

Number 2 is correct. Er... No pun intended.

I love girls who swallow :D I assume you are a girl based on your handwriting

I'm getting my braces off next Monday!!!!!!!

baby610 4

No one gives a crap No pun intended AGAIN!

epic_phail 0

Ok... maybe most people get an upset stomach from it and your body reacted differently to the solution. Don't blame your stupidty on the orthodontist.