By Anonymous - 10/02/2014 15:40 - United States

Today, I accidentally asked the cashier at Wendy's how much their 99 cent chicken nuggets were. I guess he is still laughing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 998
You deserved it 21 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

superman21_fml 19

Obviously you were asking about the tax as well....right?

That's like asking someone what the number to 911 is..


You were probably tired, right? It happens. Once I was on a particularly long shift, and told a customer to, "Have a day!" really cheerfully. I could tell from the look on his face, he thought I was a total airhead.

The war of 1812 actually lasted 32 months, from 1812 to 1815, so that question isn't entirely that silly.

True, I suppose it's not. I suppose the question should be "When did the war of 1812 start?"

A good comeback could be that they work at Wendy's

I wouldn't worry about that too much. It happens to everyone.

As a former Wendy's shift leader, let me tell you that you don't even enter into the top 100 stupid questions asked; by customer and coworkers. I once had a coworker ask the drive-thru if it was 'for here or to-go?' and didn't understand why everyone, including the customer, laughed at her. Your silly moment was probably good for a small laugh, but odds are the cashier won't even remember the next time you go in.

paintballwarrior 20

I work at a McDonald's , and asked someone in the drive through that same question, but to be fair I usually work front counter and I am used to having to ask that question

That is exactly what happened. She had just been swapped to DT from front counter. We still teased her, but it was in good fun. Working fast food kinda fries your brain.

It does go both ways. I used to work at a fast food restaurant, and sometimes there were customers who ordered their food "to go" at the drive-through. It was probably just out of habit though. Another one of my favorites were the customers who would order something (at the drive-through) and then seem shocked at the price when they pulled up at the window (as if the item's price wasn't on the menu outside), and then drive off.

JMichael 25

I guess they don't teach reading in school where you come from

It's ok OP, when I worked fast food I had people come through the Drive-Thru and say their food was to go. My other job I had a coworker who was a twin and I knew that, but saw his brother one day and thought it was my coworker. I said sorry! You look just like your brother. Then I was like DUH! They're twins! Everyone has a brainfart. =)

More expensive than they were before! You used to pay .99 for five, now you get four....