This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By tobuscus9412 - 28/06/2016 11:37

Today, I "accidentally" kissed another girl while wasted at a party. My friend convinced me being honest was the right thing to do, so I told my girlfriend. She broke up with me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 447
You deserved it 21 688

Top comments

Well you can sort of see her point - this time it was an "accidental" kiss. Next time it might be an "accidental" anal threesome. Once she can't trust you it's going to end badly.

Do you really expect anyone to feel bad for you for cheating? Smh FHL because now she might have trouble trusting guys... YDI


The biggest thing I notice is that you wrote "accidental" with quotes instead of just accidental. That leaves me thinking that it was not really an accident. In any case, ydi.

McBongwater 16

oh hurr hurr I'm a cheating bastard but its easier to blame it on alcohol durr hurr

heatherrr17 19

Well u should be honest! Dumbass

Sorry, OP, but you did this to yourself. You totally need to have some time out of a relationship to reevaluate your choices, because you're the one that started in with the kiss, not the girl. Also, you chose the wrong place to come looking for sympathy.

If I "accidentally" kissed someone behind my gf's back, it means I meant to. Way to use quotations properly.

I have never, in my life, accidentally kissed someone...

I mean what did you expect? Doing the 'right thing' doesn't mean you're just going to get away with it.