This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By tobuscus9412 - 28/06/2016 11:37

Today, I "accidentally" kissed another girl while wasted at a party. My friend convinced me being honest was the right thing to do, so I told my girlfriend. She broke up with me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 447
You deserved it 21 688

Top comments

Well you can sort of see her point - this time it was an "accidental" kiss. Next time it might be an "accidental" anal threesome. Once she can't trust you it's going to end badly.

Do you really expect anyone to feel bad for you for cheating? Smh FHL because now she might have trouble trusting guys... YDI


You did the right thing and it was for the best. It doesn't sound like you should be in a relationship at this point.

...How exactly do you "accidentally" kiss someone? Maybe he tripped and fell onto her face and to be polite he gave her a quick kiss before getting up. Or maybe he thought she was choking and went to give her mouth to mouth but then he realized she just has an ugly laugh and is not choking at all, and so kissed her to avoid hurting her feelings. Or what if he was trying to pass her a finger sandwich but both his hands were full of beer so he passed it with his mouth and their lips touched for a moment. There's definitely an explanation for this. I mean he said it was an accident!

Don't you hate it when people tell you that deceiving someone just so they'll stay in a relationship with you is wrong? Truly your friend is the main villain in this story, I can't think of anyone else who could be to blame...

The fact that accidentally is in quotations tells me everything I need to know. YDI, OP.

I think your friend was right that honesty is the best policy. I do think it sucks that your gf broke up with you without hearing you out, although I can understand her doing so. I agree it wasn't righ to kiss the other girl, I think you did the right thing by telling your girlfriend and I think it is a sucky situation all round. I can understand you being upset.

It's still cheating. And being drunk is not an excuse either, learn to handle your drink.

okamiyazaki 8

YDI. Being wasted isn't an excuse. If you have zero control over your actions when you're drunk, then don't drink so much.

Ofc you deserved it you ******* ass..

I have recently learned the cold truth of these kinds of matters. My husband and I have been together for nearly seven years and just this past February was our roughest patch yet. He went out with some friends to the bar which I have never had a problem with that. He came home to me late and woke me up choking back tears saying he got wasted and carried away and felt another woman up. It wasn't an attraction thing just drunken stupidity. Obviously I was heart broken, I felt betrayed and lied too. But I know that he is a good man, and that he felt terrible. For the sake of our marriage and our children I forgave him and I am glad I did. Love isn't easy and mistakes happen. You ****** up and it was her choice what to do about it. But telling her was the right thing to do

Did you expect her not to? I would. You kissed someone else while in a relationship that breaks the trust that the relationship is built on. Try talking to her if you really care about her feelings.