By Hungrey - 29/05/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I admitted to my parents that I have an eating disorder. Instead of trying to help, my mom stared at me and said, "Duh". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 592
You deserved it 4 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently you're not the only one who needs to see a therapist.

Get help somewhere else, your mom's being an uncaring bitch.


Parisgirl34 12

OMG! IM so sorry! good luck for your recovery!

She was obviously agreeing with you. She was probably wondering why it took you do long to realize it. Now you can get professional help.

butterflyz1961 2

That's something I would do to my daughter.

Thanks for admitting to everyone on the internet that you would act like an insensitive parent to your kid.

Please don't get discouraged. Go to someone who has some sense. You are very brave to take the necessary steps to get help.

I do, too. You should try to see a therapist or talk to some friends. I'm here if you need anyone. There is always hope for people with EDs!

ChicaChica5683 0

Hang in there honey and don't listen to all the douchebags who joke about eating disorders. They're dumbfucks. Get some help!! You shouldn't hate your body. I'm sure you're beautiful!!

I'm sure she's either a huge pig or a sack of bones either way def not beautiful

OK that's hilarious. FML is all about sharing pain, embarrassment, and humiliation. And you got all that in one moment. OP thank you for sharing, I'm still laughing.

:) now were getting the right idea

SpeakOutLoud 1

I am so sorry. That's not the least bit funny. You should really find someone who cares enough about you to help or see a counselor

allyssa77 0

That's totally uncalled for! Eating disorders are nothing to joke about or act careless about. They're a very serious and deadly mental disorder. Your mom needs help too!