By Hungrey - 29/05/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I admitted to my parents that I have an eating disorder. Instead of trying to help, my mom stared at me and said, "Duh". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 600
You deserved it 4 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently you're not the only one who needs to see a therapist.

Get help somewhere else, your mom's being an uncaring bitch.


perdix 29

"Great, now there's another mouth I have to feed!" You ought to puke on her, for good measure.

Ya, good luck Op!!! Hope you can over come this

1crabbygirl 10

Apparently OP didn't notice that everyone else already noticed. That wasn't the end of the conversation unless you made it the end, OP.

Well admitting its the first step and now they can get you the help you need : )

I struggled with anorexia for a year and a half and my mom was pretty detached as well. I think she was just scared for me and didn't want to face it. Definitely consider family therapy, or sit your parents down and tell them this is a serious matter. If you don't you may have built up resent towards them later. and I would look into an eating disorder therapist. It did wonders for me. I wish you the best of luck

I'm sorry OP sometimes parents are just douches and don't understand the importance of being there for their children. But I am proud of you for taking the first step to recovery! Best of luck in your endeavors!! ^.^

I'm sorry! Hopefully your friends, other family, teachers, and consulars will help!

So sorry OP. I know how hard it is to tell someone about an ED. Good luck to you and your recovery. Talk to friends tho. They really help keep to on track. It's so hard but so worth it.