By Anonymous - 31/03/2013 05:10 - United States - Dalton

Today, I announced to my family that I got accepted into Harvard. My grandma laughed and muttered, "Liar." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 199
You deserved it 3 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tootsie68 22

Keep on laughing. They'll be begging you for money someday!

Tehbb 7

Good work on getting into Harvard!


Thanks for your support Grandma, I'll remember that when I'm asked to carry your casket :/

Yessi_Boo 14

Congrats! My bro got accepted to MIT, UPEN, Brown & Johns Hopkins but he didn't get accepted to harvard. It's a tough school to get into.

MythsNLegends 10

Congrats on Harvard! Grandma's just jealous. Harvard hadn't been invented back in her day.

Graduate make lots of money and never speak to them again

ilovera 7

CONGRATULATIONS. Look on the bright side you are going to the best university on earth and won't have to put up with your family much longer.

Harvard breeds billionaires. Make the most of it.

Lol your grandma must love you so much...

Don't expect much in the way of a big graduation gift?

Rub the acceptance letter in her face!