By Anonymous - 11/06/2013 02:04 - United States - Plano

Today, I arrived at my grandparents'. They already had guests so I had to sleep in the cottage. It wasn’t that bad until when I was making the bed I found a dead rotting possum in the blankets. When I told my grandmother, she simply said, "Deal with it, wimp." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 835
You deserved it 4 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It may not be the nicest of things - or very sanitary - but i agree with your grandmother; man up!

Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel I've read this story before, word for word.

I'm going to have to agree with granny. Just get rid of it, get some new sheets and let her know later. What exactly did you want an old lady to do, comfort you and tell you it'll be ok.

what did you want her to do? clean up after you? as for the people, saying "tell her to deal with it" or "move it to their bed" that is just stupid. why would you want your grandma to have a dead animal in her bed, and for the effort it would have taken you to put it there, you could have just put it in the trash. stop being a whimp

Your grandma has a different approach on giving her grand kids stuffed animals!

Why would they make you sleep on a bed where there had been a rotting animal. That's extremely unsanitary not to mention disconcerting.

SynysterNero 20

When it's time to put them in a nursing home just say "Deal with it wimp."

Mamaluigi619 4
quanito1013 6

Next time when your grandmother asked to help her carry something, tell her the same thing.