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By Anonymous - 15/09/2016 00:35 - United States - Nottingham

Today, while visiting my grandparents, I was afraid that one of their many cats would pee on me. I was peed on all right, by my grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 165
You deserved it 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, extra jellyfish sting protection* that you didn't even ask for? She must REALLY love you, OP! :o) *Psst, I just wanted to make the OP feel better, but there's no actual benefit to peeing on jellyfish stings.


I wonder what her excuse will be lmao

Hope you brought your swimsuit, cause grandma and grandpa seem to be into watersports ...

Wow, extra jellyfish sting protection* that you didn't even ask for? She must REALLY love you, OP! :o) *Psst, I just wanted to make the OP feel better, but there's no actual benefit to peeing on jellyfish stings.

bubblemania 16

I am genuinely curious as to how this occurred....I mean grandpa I could understand more than grandma. So I'm wondering the logistics

Wait... why would you think a cat would pee on you, and how did a human pee on you?

She was training her cats to pee on you.

If the cats have regularly cleaned litter boxes, they are taken care of, and they don't have any medical issues then they shouldn't urinate outside their boxes, let alone on people.