By Idi - 09/12/2008 12:54 - France

Today, I arrived right on time for my train. Only problem, it was the wrong station. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 178
You deserved it 8 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Caayouteepie 0

wow FYL because youre an idiot... not because you went to the wrong station.

Well you're not right in time anymore.


I've done that before, I'm sure almost everyone has. It is kind of embarrassing!!

wow!!! could u get any dumber? seriously, i hope this is fake, bc it REALLY takes a serious dumbass to do that shit... YDI. Dumbass...

I suggest you take a look at your own comment before calling someone a dumbass.

I've heard France has a couple train stations that can be confusing for tourists to figure out the first time around. Unless OP has done this countless times, and should know better by now, I don't think beung called a dumbass is appropriate.

Caayouteepie 0

wow FYL because youre an idiot... not because you went to the wrong station.

That's not what he said. He said he got ON at the wrong station. How...

Seriously? I don´t even know what to say about that, so I´m just gonna shake my head in disbelief...

Well you're not right in time anymore. does this happen?>.< that's like showing up at the wrong airport... I don't get it>.