By BrokeBride - 14/08/2014 07:15 - United States - Hudson

Today, I asked for time off from work for my wedding and honeymoon. A grand total of three days. My boss made a face like he'd sucked on rancid toes and asked me if I was stupid. Awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 470
You deserved it 3 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well next time you get married plan it for a wednesday, get 5 days instead


askullnamedbilly 33

How long until your wedding? If it's less than a month away and you didn't bother to ask for time off before, I'd have to say YDI. If it's not, I have honestly no idea why your boss would have such a big problem scheduling some time off for you - unless he simply enjoys being an asshole.

Thing is, not all companies will let you schedule time off way beforehand. Where my mom works, you have to wait until the month before. It could be that OP's company policy is like that.

I'm wondering how much time notice the OP gave her boss? I need to give my boss at least a two weeks' notice if I want to take my vacation, even for a couple days off and already know it'll be denied if I plan it around peek tourist season.

What I would do is just go to my wedding and honeymoon and if he fires you then he's a dick

ostfaiz 18

Drop a mail and leave, if you can do it, bosses yare trur shit heads, congos Op and Fyl!

nialls_girl 13

Well depending on how much of an advance you gave?

23lf 16

You have excellent description of faces OP. Gratz

You're stupid if you continue working there.

Woah comment glitched didn't mean to post here

Maybe OP needs the job and that's the only place she got hired.

I'd imagine so, or else she wouldn't be working there. However, there's no reason she can't start looking for another job.

kiraleann 16

It's difficult to make a judgment call on this. For all we know, OP's wedding is next week and she is just now requesting the time off. On the other hand, her boss might just be a real ********.