By BrokeBride - 14/08/2014 07:15 - United States - Hudson

Today, I asked for time off from work for my wedding and honeymoon. A grand total of three days. My boss made a face like he'd sucked on rancid toes and asked me if I was stupid. Awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 460
You deserved it 3 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well next time you get married plan it for a wednesday, get 5 days instead


sofitina 20

Congratulations on the wedding! You should find employment elsewhere, or at least try since its not easy these days. Can't you report this to someone? like his boss or something? Implying you're willing to take the risk of your boss hating you more.

I'm more concerned about your boss calling you stupid, that's very rude. Sadly a wedding may not be considered a valid reason to get off, especially if you didn't give enough notice but him calling you stupid as though your family and friends wouldn't be there is just an insult. If you need the job don't quit but consider looking around for a new one

leeloo900 9

When is your wedding? If it's 2 months from now the FYL. If it's like next week, YDI. Every company has different notice policies.

I got fired for requesting off for ny wedding once. It was kind of bs. Temp service said it was fine, got to the location and they said no and that they don't have to listen to the temp service and fired me. This was an absence of one day, that I told them about in the interview. I feel your pain.

Don't you get holiday you could take off?

titandesu 14

I'm curious on how op knows what face someone would make whilst sucking on rancid toes

ViviMage 38

My work covers that as FMLA. Ask them, not your boss.

vlader08 13

If you made the announcement in time, i don't see why he would react that way. Don't plan to work for such a boss to much time there are so much better ppl, talking from experience.

do you know what rancid toes taste like? I think this needs a follow up more than if you got the time off,

I'm laughing at the people who advise to quit or just go, it's a job and brings in money, jobs are not easy to come by, work it out but don't walk away from the job.

Axel5238 29

Agreed, plus it really depends where OP works. I used to work in a hospital and outside of the yearly week of vacation in the summer and holidays taking off was rare. I couldn't take off unless I planned well in advance and even then sometimes there were issues do to seniority or they wouldn't have enough people due to other people having asked for off and it was denied.