By BrokeBride - 14/08/2014 07:15 - United States - Hudson

Today, I asked for time off from work for my wedding and honeymoon. A grand total of three days. My boss made a face like he'd sucked on rancid toes and asked me if I was stupid. Awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 470
You deserved it 3 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well next time you get married plan it for a wednesday, get 5 days instead


Well, you're getting married, so the answer is "yes, without question".

I know how you feel! My boss told me I should "reconsider the dates" because I won't have vacation time. Even though, when the date was planned, it was planned on my day off!

Its when I hear stories like this that I am glad I work in Scotland. I get 5 weeks a year paid vacation and they only ever complain if I ask for more than 2 weeks off at a time. I don't know how you guys in the states cope with only 2 weeks.

On a federal scale, no one is required to give anyone paid leave in the US. This benefit is just a perk most businesses allow, with strict guidelines so as to screw over employees. Corporate greed my friend.

I agree #75, even in South Africa we get 21 days off per year. I can't imagine having any less!

Unless you are asking too close to the wedding time, I see no reason that he should say no to you. If you think he's dumb enough to fall for it, try not saying anything about it and calling in sick for the 3 days you were wanting off from work. You may have to call each day, but so be it. Be sure not to tell ANYONE you work with that you are doing this as they may let it slip to someone or it get around to your boss.

I was nearly fired when I took 4 days off work to care for my dad when my mom was on life support after a mishap in the operating room. My boss was concerned that the monthly billing wouldn't go out on time. This is the same man who would not cut his vacation short to attend his father in law's funeral.

At the beginning of the year I had to take two days off because my uncle dies, and he was funny about me taking the time off. I swore to myself that moment that I would one day make him pay for that. I put it on the back burner for now, but he's still firmly on my shit list.

you boss is mean and inconciderate. if I were you and he ever asks to work for him. decline

Still haven't had my honeymoon and I've been married for a year. I had to go to the president of my company to get my 5 days off. Buck up buttercup either quit or adjust your plans accordingly. Life happens

OP's boss sure is a F**king asshole! I'd be calling in sick every now and then to get your sick leave balance down to zero, while looking for a new job. Sounds like my previous supervisor. Let the brown nose in the office have any time off they wanted, including 3 hour "coffee breaks" but wouldn't approve ONE day of annual leave. I just called in sick. a lot.