By Janitor - 08/03/2012 01:08 - United States

Today, I asked my boss for a raise. He gave me a cupcake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 328
You deserved it 3 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michael_92 20

Hey now, he didnt have to give you the cupcake. Really tho fyl.


ummm sooo? is there something wrong with that? cupcakes are fricken delicious!!!!!

onedeadfukk 0

F the cupcake give it back and time for a new job

claytonk 3

well im fat so id prob be more stoked about the cupcake so fml for not getting one lol

sandinthewaves 5

Nobody ever pays me in cupcakes :(

OP, at least you asked and made your desire for a raise clear. I'd think giving you a cupcake shows some sense of humour on your boss' part and maybe that raise is coming, but give him a little time to roll it around in his head. He knows you want one, just work hard and be diligent to justify why you deserve it. Better to have asked and failed anyways, because for those who don't ask, the answer is always No. :) Good luck!