By Janitor - 08/03/2012 01:08 - United States

Today, I asked my boss for a raise. He gave me a cupcake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 328
You deserved it 3 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michael_92 20

Hey now, he didnt have to give you the cupcake. Really tho fyl.


Don't eat it! It was made to make employees forget about asking for raises..

MorteEtDabo 5

OP you don't deserve such a high raise. Give it back.

~~~lol~~~ Love it! I've never seen that before, that's pretty awesome.

Accept the cupcake, then as you're eating it ask him about you raise again :)

A cupcake is better than a pay cut. Be grateful.

Next time ask for a cupcake...he might give you a raise....