By Anonymous - 24/07/2015 11:58 - Germany - Paderborn

Today, I asked my boyfriend to go to the airport with me, to see me off for my three-month stay abroad. He said no because the two-hour drive is "too boring". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 654
You deserved it 2 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And when you get back , and he wants sex , tell him it's too boring with him .

Perhaps the three month break will be good


tiredofwaiting 25

You might want to rethink your relationship.

You're saying **** your life because your boyfriend doesn't wanna spend 3 hours in a car just to see you off at the airport, turn around, and leave again… Of course.

I find it reasonable that he not want to spend 2 hours driving followed by another 2 hours back alone, plus traffic just to see you off at the airport

silverbane27 13

Serves your right for being so selfish and going off on your own for three months

Dump him! Find some hot foreign guy on your trip!

AJGrote_89 6

Sounds like when you get back, you should be packin up either your stuff or his stuff. Sounds like this romantic, loving, caring man needs to get the f out!