By Anonymous - 23/06/2017 04:00

Today, I asked my friend to hand in my homework for me since I have tonsillitis. She thought it would be funny to draw a big heart on it with my teacher's name inside, which she then handed in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 198
You deserved it 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe she thought your grade needed a boost. I wouldn't worry...unless your paper is returned with "Do you want to go out? circle one. yes. no. maybe" lol

species4872 19


maybe she thought your grade needed a boost. I wouldn't worry...unless your paper is returned with "Do you want to go out? circle one. yes. no. maybe" lol

Lobby_Bee 17

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ArbiterOfFML 24

you baaaaaaaaaastaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrddd

I'd give you extra credit, if you know what I mean ;)

species4872 19
97mailo 17

I honestly thought she was going to write her name on it, and turn it in.

LEbleuDESreves 10

now i am waiting for the rest of the story OP!

Little Richard 11

So what was your grade? Did the teacher ask you to stay after class to discuss it?

SucidalBitch 3

Never trust anyone with public papers