By Anonymous - 23/06/2017 21:00 - Argentina

Today, I chose a new song to be the ringtone for my new cell phone. After waiting all day for someone to call me, I had to ask my husband, who was sitting right next to me, to call me or send me a message so I could hear how it sounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 035
You deserved it 1 214

Top comments

Are you really so vain that it's an "fml" moment when you don't have someone call or message you for a single day? You should have asked him to help you test it in the first place.

You have peace and quiet. Do not overlook this great blessing.


You have peace and quiet. Do not overlook this great blessing.

Are you really so vain that it's an "fml" moment when you don't have someone call or message you for a single day? You should have asked him to help you test it in the first place.

species4872 19

Sounds of silence ringtone.

species4872 19

You should go and bury that thing before it wakes up.

Dare I ask what antique cell phone you are using that does not play a sample of the ringtone when making your selection?

Or you could have used your landline to call yourself.

zeffra13 31

Most people don't have a landline anymore, because why have 2 phones.

tapdancecolumbia 14

Because if anything happens to my cell phone, I have a land line. Until they're discontinued, I'll always have one.

The few times I've changed ringtones, on the screen where you select from the options, it plays each song as you select it. Does your phone not do this?

The real FML: Her husband put her straight through to voicemail!!

How would he do that when he was calling her phone?

sparklevibes 14

Because it reveals how unpopular the OP is since no one calls her for hours. For some, their self-worth is tied up with their popularity.

gamergirl92 10

i feel for you i have a ac\dc ringtone and no one ever calls