By Anonymous - 11/09/2010 23:15 - United States

Today, I asked my mother if we were eating supper soon so I could take a nap. She said "no" so I went into my room and fell asleep. When I woke up, everybody was gone. My entire family of 6 went to Olive Garden while I was sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 810
You deserved it 4 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's mean hope u made an awesome dinner for yourself

kellanlvr 1

aww I hate when my family does that :/


TooMuchXbox 0

No, you're all idiots. If your friend said "hey, can I go to sleep before we eat" and you say "no, we're about to leave", then you get ready to go and the asshole is sleeping, you wouldn't leave him there? AND this probably isn't the first time numb nuts has done this sort of ass-hatery.

I want to know why op thought the family of 6 detail was's not like it'd take that much longer for 6ppl to get ready as opposed to 3-4..

I'm pretty sure it was to emphasize the fact that so many people in her family knew they were going to dinner, yet no one bothered to wake her up.

adorkable_spazz 0

that's horrible! i'm sorry, op. ]:

Scififreak339 0

ehh don't worry olive garden sucks. they problably will get food poisoning soon

u have the. house to urself have sex with ur bf and if u don't have one go watch **** and blast it and call ur rents to c when they r coming home first cause u don't want them to be coming home when it having sex or fingering urself

jewbies 0

lazy ass make your own dinner!

dinorawr1107 4

i say lock all the doors/windows and let em sleep outside then in the morning be like oh sorry i was asleep. AND then eat all of the food in the fridge(:

Mclovin_95 0

i hate when that happens to me! xD

RKftw 0
TheZarola 10

YDI. Similar things have happened to me (numerous times, actually) and it was never "FML" for me.