By Anonymous - 04/03/2010 05:08 - United States

Today, I asked out my best friend via facebook graffiti. He then accidentally wrote his rejection as his status instead of on my wall. More people liked his status than the number of friends I have on facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 682
You deserved it 8 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha awesome. Grow some balls and learn to ask someone out properly

are you sure he accidentally wrote that?


lol ask in person and that wouldn't happened

agsilver 14

how many friends? oh, I know, ONE

wwweee6362 0

wow thts so meen u should hack hiz FB

KaptainKupkake 1

Who asks someone out via Facebook? Especially using the Graffiti App... retard.

KaptainKupkake 1

Then why did you take the time to find this website, create an account, and then complain about it on someone's post. Think it through before you comment something like that. And DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT TO ME. You're just an insecure jerk on the inside. I feel for you.

skizzlerz 0

I'm gonna hafts say YDI this time. If you didn't want his acceptance/rejection (rejection mainly but still) to be public, then YOU shouldn't have asked him publicly. Facebook is kinda a lame way to ask someone out, but you should have at least messaged him instead of some lame ass Facebook graffiti. Hell, I'd probably say no to a loser who thought it was cool/cute/a good idea to ask me out that way.