By Anonymous - 04/03/2010 05:08 - United States

Today, I asked out my best friend via facebook graffiti. He then accidentally wrote his rejection as his status instead of on my wall. More people liked his status than the number of friends I have on facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 682
You deserved it 8 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha awesome. Grow some balls and learn to ask someone out properly

are you sure he accidentally wrote that?


i used facebook on this girl i liked too but she commented me back

basketball_40_40 0

Ive been trying to go out with this girl who ive been friends with for about a year and when i asked her she quit asking me how do i know we arnt friends she hasnt added me on facebook

trackrunner00008 0

so many things wrong. number one you did it by facebook. that shows how childish you are and guys want a real woman that's not affraid of stuff. second if he is your best friend ( he isn't) that would be awkward. I say he isn't your best friend because he rejected you on his wall on purpose so he obviously doesn't give a damn about your feelings or your reputation. third if more people liked his status than you have friends, you have no friends and he is out of your league.

are you sure it was an accident he posted it as his status than your wall. either way, it would still be public

well you know what they say, the more friends you have on facebook, the less friends you have in real life

if it hasn't been said yet, it probably wasn't an accident.

scotty1234 0

how is this on both top and flop?

don't ask a guy out on facebook, especially by graffiti. are you stupid? how do you expect to go on a date with him if you don't have the balls to ask over the phone or to his face? YDI

you seem like a coward compared to most stupid americans.

XCaLX_fml 0