By Anonymous - 10/08/2014 18:12 - United Kingdom - Ilminster

Today, I babysat a 6-year-old boy for the first time. When I said it was his bedtime, he just screamed "Eat a dick!" at me. I was so shocked, all I could do was leave him be. When his parents returned, I had to make up an excuse for why he was still awake and watching TV, to save my pride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 306
You deserved it 10 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've just told them, the kid deserves to be disciplined anyway

I hope your excuse was that you didn't put him in bed because you were too busy eating dick, because that kid just made you his bitch. Nice job babysitting, OP.


This is why kids these days are little *****.

XBurytheCastleX 25

I hate kids... So when I am forced to watch some kids that y dad knows, I always have my phone's recording app up in case I need it. Try that.

Why didn't you just tell his parents? Let them deal with it and tell them because of his behaviour you don't want to babysit him again.

YDI for not standing up for yourself against a spoiled little kid.

And when they're confronted they blame older kids, even though they got it from t.v. And then who's in trouble? Us!

Yes, let him stay up and watch TV after he does that. That will teach him well. YDI

That's when you say "No, but you'll be doing a lot worse than that if you don't get your ass to bed RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE SHIT!" This is also why I don't babysit.