By Wormy - 11/05/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I bit into a Reese's Cup that had been sitting on my desk for a while. As I did, half of a yellow meal worm fell out and landed in front of me, the other half was in my mouth. It was wiggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 217
You deserved it 30 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mcsnelly 5

sitting on your desk for awhile? How long a while is this? If it's like a day, FYL. If it'd been sitting out for like a month, then YDI for eating something that's been sitting out for that long.

Eternity_fml 0

What sucks more is the feeling and memory you get when you see another Reese's.


SweetThang 0

I bet that will be your last reeses. haha. if that happend to me that would ruin the candy... for ever! haha

Eww. Thats gross. Should go on Fear Factor if they still had that show. Even though I ******* hate Joe Rogan.

SyndicatedAlias 0

Same thing happened to my uncle yeaaars ago...ever since then I've always ripped those candies into fourths before sticking them into my mouth - even before they are opened.

mandymuggle 0

Well, it's common knowledge not to leave your Reese's cups out for a couple of weeks in an open place. It happened to me when I was two years old. You'll get over it.

kittytub 12

I've never known that I should not leave my reese's in an open space. how the hell is that common knowledge?

OH NOES! Keep the worm, spit out the Reese, take pictures and SUUUUUUUUUUE.

Eeeeew! More protein in your diet though...L0l! YDI

The "it was wiggling" part really makes this one great... but eww, that's gross AND disgusting. and most of you saying YDI for eating it, it's not like you haven't eaten year-old candy before!

mamit00juicy09_fml 0

yu've ruined reeses forever ! but why would yu eat something thats been sitting out ? GROSS